Bio identical Hormone treatment Van Buren County, IA - Rejuvenate Clinic

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can help both men and women find relief from uncomfortable signs and symptoms of hormone imbalance. At Rejuvenate Clinic, we specialize in customized bioidentical hormone treatment plans to restore optimal levels and promote better health.

What Are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally produced in the human body. They are typically derived from plant sources and custom-compounded in a pharmacy to match a patient's individual hormone needs.

Some key differences between bioidentical and synthetic hormones:

Custom-compounded bioidentical hormones can be prepared as pills, creams, gels, injectables, pellets, and more to precisely match what your body needs.

Our services

Signs and Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

Imbalances in key hormones can develop gradually over time and lead to potentially dozens of uncomfortable symptoms. Here are some top signs of hormone deficiency:

Estrogen Deficiency

In women:

Testosterone Deficiency

In men:

In women:

Thyroid Deficiency

In women and men:

Restore Balance Today

The Benefits of Bioidentical Hormones

Restoring hormone balance with customized bioidentical hormone replacement can provide immense relief from deficiency symptoms and support overall health. Potential benefits include:

Bioidentical hormones can profoundly improve quality of life. Rejuvenate Clinic specializes in thorough testing and precise customization for optimal treatment results.

Basics of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Getting started with bioidentical hormone therapy typically involves:

  1. Initial consultation - Medical history, symptoms, health goals
  2. Blood and saliva tests - Assess current hormone levels
  3. Custom hormone prescription - Matching bioidentical hormones to your needs
  4. Follow-up testing and monitoring - Ensure optimal levels

We continually adjust prescriptions based on follow-up lab testing and symptom tracking for the best outcomes.

Treatment options may include:

Track your symptoms and follow dosage instructions from your Rejuvenate Clinic provider. Most patients start to notice improvements noticeably within weeks to a few months.

Why Timely Treatment Matters

Hormone levels decline naturally with age, but deficiency symptoms are not inevitable. Modern replacement therapy can restore healthy functioning, vitality and an overall sense of well-being throughout adulthood.

The risks of prolonged hormone imbalance include:

Treating hormone deficiency promptly reduces these risks and helps protect long term health - mental, physical, emotional and sexual. Patients report life-changing improvements in energy, mood, appearance and self-confidence.

Restore hormone balance, feel better. Contact us today.

Why Choose Rejuvenate Clinic?

What sets Rejuvenate Clinic apart is our integrative care model focused on precision testing and true customization for best possible treatment outcomes:

We partner with you for the care plan that will help you feel your best at any age. Contact Rejuvenate Clinic today to learn more or schedule your first appointment.

Common Myths and Facts About Bioidentical HRT

Despite proven effectiveness, some misunderstandings still surround bioidentical hormone therapy. Let's separate facts from some common fiction:

Myth: Bioidentical hormones present unknown long-term risks since research is limited.

Fact: As structurally identical copies of endogenous human hormones, they present fundamentally low risks especially compared to earlier synthetic or horse-derived options. Research supports both their safety and efficacy.

Bioidentical HRT Synthetic HRT
Cancer Risk No increased risk of breast or ovarian cancer Linked to increased cancer risk
Clotting Minimal increased clotting risk Significant clotting risk
Heart Disease May reduce risk May increase risk

Myth: "Natural" compounded bioidentical hormones are completely safe while commercial options in standard doses are risky

Fact: Both compounded and FDA-approved bioidentical hormones demonstrate safety when properly dosed and monitored by a physician.

Myth: Saliva testing is definitely superior for determining hormone levels and dosing bioidentical hormones.

Fact: For some hormones, blood serum and saliva testing can complement each other. Knowledgeable physicians evaluate all data.

Myth: Bioidentical estradiol raises concerns while natural progesterone is universally safe.

Fact: Both bioidentical progesterone and bioidentical estradiol play vital roles in the body when prescribed correctly. Recent major studies found health benefits of both hormones combined.

Diagnosing and Monitoring Hormone Imbalance

Diagnosing hormone deficiency begins with a review of your signs, symptoms and family health history. From there, testing key hormone levels is critical for developing an effective treatment plan.

Lab Testing Overview

We thoroughly evaluate hormone balance via blood serum tests, saliva tests or both to assess:

Testing performed at optimal times relative to circadian rhythms and across monthly cycles leads to the most accurate results. Follow-up testing during treatment allows for continual optimization of hormones dosage.

Saliva testing offers a convenient, relatively inexpensive snapshot of bioavailable free hormones. It remains extremely useful for many patients and specific hormones.

Blood serum evaluations from accredited laboratories provide the highest standard for accuracy and consistency. However, even commercial labs range significantly in quality and reliability.

An experienced Rejuvenate Clinic physician reviews all hormone data in context - not just lab ranges - draws on extensive clinical experience with tests interpretation, and considers your reported symptoms.

Healthcare practitioners unable to properly diagnose and treat hormone imbalance may falsely dismiss patient symptoms as "normal aging" or conditions that simply require management with medications.

Signs of a High Quality Hormone Specialist

Marks of an ideal bioidentical hormone therapy provider for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment:

✔️ Specialized advanced training and years expertise prescribing bioidentical hormone replacement

✔️ Emphasizes prevention and root cause resolution - not just symptom management

✔️ Partners with high quality labs with consistent methodology and reference ranges

✔️ Looks beyond lab ranges to interpret hormone panel data in clinical context

✔️ Considers saliva and serum hormone tests complementary - not contradictory

✔️ Treats patients as individuals - no rigid standardized protocols

Monitoring Your Progress

Once treatment begins, patients usually feel initial improvements in symptoms like hot flashes, sleep disruption or low energy within a few weeks to months. Further adjustments improve mood, sexual health, physical strength and mental clarity.

However, contact your Rejuvenate Clinic provider right away if you experience:

Routine follow-up testing every 3 to 6 months allows for continually balanced dosing. Pay attention how you feel at specific times of day or points in monthly cycles as well.

With an attentive specialist guiding your bioidentical hormone therapy, most patients can achieve remarkable enhancements in wellness, vitality and enjoyment of life.

Innovations in Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

The field of bioidentical hormone replacement continues advancing rapidly with new innovations in both customized medications and efficient delivery methods:

Next Generation Personalized Medicines

Compounded bioidentical medicines allow for individualized dosage combinations matching patients' needs based on:

Beyond standardized commercial products, that means personalization for:

Plus adjusting:

Emerging innovations in compounded bioidentical options:

Research also continues developing new specialized bioidentical hormones and hormone metabolites addressing conditions like:

More Convenient Methods of Delivery

Beyond traditional pills, there are excellent options for applying customized bioidentical hormones:

Innovations on the horizon may include convenient patches, implants and technologies that prolong medication release in the body.

Rejuvenate Clinic physicians stay at the leading edge of bioidentical hormone testing, prescription and delivery methods for all patients. Contact us today to learn about options for better health, vibrance and wellbeing customized for your needs in midlife and beyond.

Comparing Key Aspects of Bioidentical HRT Methods

Bioidentical hormone medications come in a variety of high quality forms. What offers the optimal route for you depends on your lifestyle, preferences, symptoms and health profile.

Method Convenience Cost Downsides
Creams/Gels Self administered, adjustable Low to moderate Some skin irritation
Oral Capsules Easy self administration Low cost Processed through liver
Pellets Long duration (months) Moderate cost Slight pain of insertion
Injections Convenient, precise doses Moderate Some dislike needles

With pellets, some factors like bleeding or infection rarely occur. Testosterone injections or testosterone cream must be administered consistently. Even "sustained release" testosterone pellets may require supplemental medication as levels drop before months end.

Reasons to adjust delivery methods over time may include side effects, inadequate results, or changes in symptoms or health issues.

Based on regular patient assessments, your Rejuvenate Clinic practitioner will determine and adjust the optimal preparations, combinations and applications customized for you.

Lifestyle Support for Optimal HRT Results

Bioidentical hormone therapy (BHRT) works best alongside nurturing lifestyle habits for both balanced hormone levels and overall health. Our clinicians provide personalized guidance so patients achieve full benefits. Recommendations often include:

Nutritional Optimization

Targeted nutrition adjustments like limiting alcohol, caffeine or inflammatory foods can allow some patients to lower medication doses. Custom plans aid hormones synthesis and mobility for increased uptake.

Embracing Exercise

Regular movement helps regulate metabolism, blood sugar, circulation, musculoskeletal health, mood and sleep - all supporting balanced hormone activity.

Complementary Wellness Strategies

Enhancing lifestyle measures like high quality sleep, stress moderation, social connection, and toxin avoidance enables optimal hormone health and responsiveness to bioidentical therapy.

Rejuvenate Clinic physicians offer cutting edge testing, prescribing and monitoring integrated with practical lifestyle coaching for maximizing health at the cellular level.

The Role of Testosterone for Male Health

Regrettably, declining testosterone often gets dismissed as an inevitable consequence of male aging. Yet recognizing and properly treating low levels can restore vigor and vitality for men at nearly any life stage.

Low Testosterone - Warning Signs

Alongside conducting lab testing, we closely evaluate concerning symptoms often resulting from dropping testosterone:

Testosterone deficiency develops gradually, so men adapt to uncomfortable changes like fatigue as "normal

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